Common Throat Problems:

Hypertrophied Taste Bud

Small elevation at base of tongue which is seen when one see inside of mouth in a mirror can be hypertrophied taste bud or circumvalet papilla.

Fish Bone in Throat

It canbe reliveved after taking few teaspoons of vinegar.

White Spot on Tonsillar Area

White spot on tonsillar area cab be deposit of food particles.

Hoarseness of Voice

Hoarseness of voice cab be due to screaming or singing at abnormally low or high scale.

Pain in Throat

Pain in throat with swelling after eating food can be due to stone formation in Salivary Glands & ducts.

Non healing Oral Cavity

Recurrent non healing in oral cavity can lead to oral cancer.

What We Can Do For You:

  • Treat your commont as well as chronic Ear Problems.
  • Treat your commont as well as chronic Nose Problems.
  • Treat your commont as well as chronic Throat Problems.
